Rico Ruotong JiaComing Back To The Basics — Pseudo InverseIntroduction (Moore-Penrose Inverse, MP Inverse)Apr 29Apr 29
Rico Ruotong JiaSharpen Tools — Install CUDA 12.4 Driver[OPTIONAL] If CUDA has been installed but not completely, to reinstall:Apr 25Apr 25
Rico Ruotong JiaGraph SLAM With Known Landmarks— Intro With Toy ExamplesGraph SLAM is hard — one needs to go through all the matrix magic to understand when things work & don’t workApr 7Apr 7
Rico Ruotong JiaHow To Generate Gaussian Distributions In C++Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG)Feb 151Feb 151
Rico Ruotong JiaCommon PostgreSQL Database Operations 101In this article, we assume there is a locally hosted PostgreSQL database in a docker container called elevator_service_db.Feb 13Feb 13
Rico Ruotong JiaC++ In-place Construction And Piecewise-ConstructionSave whenever you can not whenever you have to — John D. RockefellerFeb 12Feb 12
Rico Ruotong JiaROS1 C++ NodeHandle, TF Synchronization, And Their TestsTest code is just as important as production codeFeb 12Feb 12
Rico Ruotong JiaC++ Template Specialization and Class TemplateThis is an episode of this seriesFeb 101Feb 101
Rico Ruotong JiaC++ Binary Operator Overloading & Friend FunctionThis is an episode of my C++ series. Imaging you are working on a project where you need to define a custom Pixel Struct/Class. How can we…Feb 81Feb 81
Rico Ruotong JiaMy Journey Into C++Every time I come back into C++, I always find something newJan 71Jan 71